“...for the JOY of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Inside our home, we hear about all the scary germs and unknowns in the World. We can’t see our friends, we can’t go to work or school.  It is a BIG adjustment for most of us, and It’s a whole lot to explain to our little people.

Meanwhile; outside our home, the sun is shining and the flowers are blooming. Signs of new life are all around us.  There is so much JOY in Spring. Easter is quickly approaching where we celebrate new life in Christ!  

The scripture above are words from A celebration in the book of Nehemiah. The temple had been attacked, broken, and now the Israelites were coming together to rebuild and celebrate.  They faced hardship and lots of work ahead but Nehemiah encouraged the people that the JOY of the Lord was their strength! 

As we look to better times of rebuilding and eating together again I’m praying for ways to remember the JOY of the Lord is our strength. I created these series as a means of processing our fears: toilet paper to represent scarcity and medical masks to represent illness.  Instead of leaving them blank - I filled them up with colors and patterns of JOY like Easter eggs:) I thought it may help you talk about some fears your little ones may have while also sharing the joy and hope we have in Christ. You can use the coloring sheets below as a starting point or make your own!  (Isn't it funny how the masks kind of look like animals?!)

Talk to your kids about what is going on. Ask them what makes them sad and what brings them joy? (I bet it’s rainbows and unicorns for many of you!) and let your kids color over the scary things with patterns of whatever represents JOY to them!

Prompts for your family:

How does if feel to be home all day?

What do you miss most?

Are there things that scare you?

Did you know that we can trust God even with THIS?


Art Word || PATTERN: anything that repeats


Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being our JOY everyday.  Thank you for always being there to talk about what scares me.  Help me trust you. Please keep our family and friends safe so we can see them soon!

*Digital downloads and originals available HERE - I thought they would be cute Easter cards - but all printers are closed and I'm not leaving my house....so you can download and make your own!


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1 comment

  • Searcy : May 17, 2020
    Author image

    Thank you for this-Love you!!

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